An expensive location


Aruba is an island located in the Caribbean sea about 27 km north of the country of venezuela. It belongs to the kingdom of the Netherlands so the citizens are consider Dutch. The topography is mainly flat and with little vegetation and the climate is tropical, it doesn’t rain a lot.

Everywhere you go in the island you can be delighted with all the landmarks you find. Also, there are a lot of activities a person can do to entertain himself. The most important is going to the beach, Aruba has a really wonderful sea, it’s sand is softy and the ocean is warm and calm. There are some water sports you can practice on the beach of this island. Such as snorkeling, scuba diving, parasailing and windsurfing. This is an option for those who are not interested to get drunk while on vacation time; instead they are interested in having fun without intoxicating themselves with alcohol.

Papiamento is the most important marker of Aruba identity, is a mixture between Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, English, French, Indian and African influences. It is an a Creole language that had survived to the present day. But this language is now spoken by few,due to mass media, tourism and massive immigration that are the agents of this dramatic change in their culture.

When i went to Aruba, Absolutely everything was expensive, the food, the clothes, the drinks. I remember when i ask how much it cost a can of soda near the beach; they told me it costs 10 dollars, i was very shock with the answer they gave me. There are lots of beautiful stores in the island, where you can find a variety of products but there is only one problem they are really expensive. So if you want to visit Aruba i hope you bring with you a huge amount of bills.

ARUBA an opportunity you don’t want to miss!!!


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