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Por favor use otra.","enter title here":"Introduce el t\u00edtulo aqu\u00ed","error: forum is not found":"Error: Foro no encontrado","error: no topic selected":"Error: No hay temas seleccionados","error: topic is not found":"Error: Tema no encontrado","error: please insert some text to report.":"Error: Por favor a\u00f1ade un mensaje de texto para poder reportar.","facebook":"Facebook","failed to write file to disk":"Error al escribir el archivo en el disco","features successfully updated":"Las funciones han sido actualizadas correctamente","features successfully updated, but previous value not changed":"Las Funciones han sido actualizadas correctamente, pero no se han modificado los valores previos","file type is not allowed":"El tipo de archivo no es permitido","file upload stopped by extension":"Subida de archivo parada por la extensi\u00f3n","find posts by user":"Buscar Mensajes por Usuario","find topics started by user":"Buscar Temas empezados por el Usuario","first post and replies":"Primer mensaje y respuestas","forum":"Foro","forum - 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La p\u00e1gina que estas buscando no se encuentra!","our newest member":"Nuestro miembro m\u00e1s reciente","page":"P\u00e1gina","password":"Contrase\u00f1a","password length must be between 6 characters and 20 characters.":"La contrase\u00f1a debe contener entre 6 y 20 caracteres.","password mismatch.":"La contrase\u00f1a no coincide.","permission denied":"Permiso denegado","permission denied for add forum":"Permiso denegado para a\u00f1adir un foro","permission denied for delete forum":"Permiso denegado para borrar el foro","permission denied for edit forum":"Permiso denegado para editar el foro","permission denied for this action":"Permiso denegado para esta acci\u00f3n","phrase add error":"Error al a\u00f1adir la frase","phrase adding error":"Error al a\u00f1adir la frase","phrase successfully added":"Frase a\u00f1adida con exito","phrase successfully updates":"Frase actualizada con exito","phrase update error":"Error en la actualizaci\u00f3n de Frases","please %s or %s":"Por favor %s o %s","please insert required fields!":"\u00a1Por favor introduce los campos obligatorios!","post title":"T\u00edtulo de la respuesta","post delete error":"Error al borrar la respuesta","post link":"Enlace de la respuesta","post options successfully updated":"Opciones de respuesta actualizadas correctamente","post options successfully updated, but previous value not changed":"Opciones de respuesta actualizadas correctamente, pero no se han modificado los valores previos","posted":"Respondido","posted by":"Respondido por","posts":"Respuestas","powered by":"Funciona con","question comments":"Preguntas Comentarios","questions":"Preguntas","quote":"Citar","re":"RE","reply:":"RESPUESTA:","rss":"RSS","rating":"Nivel","rating badge":"Emblema del Nivel","received likes":"Me gustas Recibidos","recent questions":"Preguntas Recientes","recent topics":"Debates Recientes","register":"Registro","registered date":"Fecha de registro","registration error":"Error en el Registro","relevancy":"Relevancia","remember me":"Recu\u00e9rdame","replies":"Respuestas","replies not found":"Respuestas no encontradas","reply":"Responder","reply request error":"Error en la solicitud de respuesta","report":"Reportar","report to administration":"Reportar al Administrador","result info":"Resultado de la informaci\u00f3n","save":"Guardar","save changes":"Guardar Cambios","search":"Buscar","search entire posts":"Buscar Todos los Mensajes","search phrase":"Buscar Frase","search titles only":"Buscar S\u00f3lo T\u00edtulos","search type":"Tipo de B\u00fasqueda","search in forums":"Buscar en los Foros","search in date period":"Buscar en un periodo de tiempo","search result for":"Resultados para","search...":"Buscar...","select page":"Seleccionar P\u00e1gina","send report":"Enviar Reporte","set topic sticky":"Marcar Tema como Destacado","shop account":"Cuenta de tienda","sign in":"Iniciar Sesi\u00f3n","signature":"Firma","site profile":"Perfil del Sitio","skype":"Skype","social networks":"Redes Sociales","something wrong with profile data.":"Hay alg\u00fan error con los datos del perfil.","sorry, something is wrong with your data.":"Lo siento, algo no es correcto en tus datos.","sort search results by":"Ordenar Resultados de B\u00fasqueda por","specify avatar by url":"Especificar avatar por URL","subforums":"Subforos","subscribe for new replies":"Suscribirse a nuevas respuestas","subscribe for new topics":"Suscribirse a nuevos temas","subscribe options successfully updated":"Opciones de suscripci\u00f3n actualizadas correctamente","subscribe options successfully updated, but previous value not changed":"Opciones de suscripci\u00f3n actualizadas correctamente, pero no se han modificado los valores previos","subscriptions":"Suscripciones","success!":"\u00a1Correcto!","success! thank you. please check your email and click confirmation link below to complete this step.":"Correcto! Gracias. Por favor revise su email y haga click en el enlace de confirmaci\u00f3n para completar este paso.","successfully updated":"Actualizaci\u00f3n correcta","successfully voted":"Votado con \u00e9xito","the uploaded file exceeds the max_file_size directive that was specified in the html form":"El archivo subido excede la directiva MAX_FILE_SIZE que se especific\u00f3 en el formulario HTML","the uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini":"El archivo subido excede la directiva upload_max_filesize del php.ini","the uploaded file size is too big":"El tama\u00f1o del archivo es demasiado grande","the uploaded file was only partially uploaded":"Del archivo subido s\u00f3lo se ha cargado una parte","theme options successfully updated":"Opciones del tema actualizadas correctamente","this email address is already registered. please insert another.":"Este email ya est\u00e1 registrado. Por favor use otro.","this post successfully deleted":"Respuesta borrada correctamente","this post successfully edited":"Respuesta editada correctamente","this topic successfully deleted":"Tema borrado correctamente","timezone":"Zona horaria","title":"T\u00edtulo","topic move error":"Error al mover el tema","topic rss feed":"RSS del Tema","topic title":"T\u00edtulo del Tema","topic add error":"Error al a\u00f1adir el tema","topic delete error":"Error al borrar el tema","topic edit error":"Error al editar el tema","topic not found.":"Tema no encontrado","topic successfully moved":"Tema movido correctamente","topic successfully updated":"Tema actualizado correctamente","topics":"Temas","topics delete error":"Error al borrar temas","":"","unknown upload error":"Error desconocido durante la subida","unsubscribe":"Darse de baja","upload an avatar":"Subir un avatar","use comments to ask for more information or suggest improvements. avoid answering questions in comments.":"Utiliza los comentarios para preguntar por m\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n o sugerir mejoras. Evita responder preguntas en los comentarios.","user":"Usuario","user group":"Grupo de Usuario","user delete error":"Error al borrar usuario","user group add error":"Error al a\u00f1adir el Grupo de Usuarios","user group edit error":"Error al editar el Grupo de Usuarios","user group successfully added":"Grupo de usuarios a\u00f1adido correctamente","user group successfully edited":"Grupo de Usuarios editado correctamente","user successfully deleted from wpforo":"Usuario borrado correctamente de wpforo","usergroup has been successfully deleted.":"El Grupo de Usuarios ha sido borrado correctamente.","usergroup has been successfully deleted. all users of this usergroup have been moved to the usergroup you\\'ve chosen":"El Grupo de Usuarios ha sido borrado correctamente. Todos los usuarios de este grupo han sido movidos al grupo de usuarios que seleccionaste","username":"Nombre de usuario","username exists. please insert another.":"El nombre de usuario ya existe. Por favor escoja otro.","username is missed.":"Nombre de usuario perdido.","username length must be between 3 characters and 15 characters.":"Username length must be between 3 characters and 15 characters.","view entire post":"Ver toda la respuesta","view the latest post":"Ver \u00faltimo mensaje","views":"Visitas","votes":"Votos","website":"Web","welcome to our community!":"Bienvenido a nuestra Comunidad!","wordpress avatar system":"Sistema de avatar de Wordpress","working":"Trabajando","write message":"Escribir mensaje","wrong post data":"Datos err\u00f3neos","yahoo":"Yahoo","you":"T\u00fa","you are already voted this post":"Ya has votado esta respuesta","you can go to %s page or search here":"Puedes ir a la p\u00e1gina %s o buscar aqu\u00ed","you have been successfully subscribed":"Has sido suscrito correctamente","you have been successfully unsubscribed":"Has sido dado de baja correctamente","you have no permission to edit this topic":"No tienes permisos para editar este tema","you don\\'t have permission to create post in this forum":"No tienes permisos para crear mensajes en este foro","you don\\'t have permission to create topic into this forum":"No tienes permisos para crear temas en este foro","you don\\'t have permission to delete post from this forum":"No tienes permisos para borrar mensajes de este foro","you don\\'t have permission to delete topic from this forum":"No tienes permisos para borrar temas de este foro","you don\\'t have permission to edit post from this forum":"No tienes permisos para editar mensajes de este foro","you successfully replied":"Has respondido correctamente","your answer":"Tu Respuesta","your forum successfully added":"Foro a\u00f1adido correctametne","your forum successfully deleted":"Foro borrado correctamente","your profile data have been successfully updated.":"Los datos de tu perfil han sido actualizados correctamente","your subscription for this item could not be confirmed":"Tu suscripci\u00f3n a este hilo no puede ser confirmada","your topic successfully added":"El tema ha sido a\u00f1adido correctamente","add":"A\u00f1adir","add_new":"Add_new","%s ago":"Hace %s","by":"Por","by %s":"Por %s","confirm password":"Confirmar contrase\u00f1a","edit profile":"Editar perfil","edit user":"Editar usuario","matches":"Coincidencias","new password":"Contrase\u00f1a nueva","new password again":"Contrase\u00f1a nueva otra vez","next":"Siguiente","old password":"Contrase\u00f1a antigua","phrase_key":"Phrase_key","phrase_value":"Phrase_value","prev":"Anterior","update":"Actualizar","view":"Visita","view all posts":"Ver todas las respuestas","view all questions":"Ver todas las preguntas","view all topics":"Ver todos los temas","wpforo navigation":"Panel wpForo","{number}b":"B","{number}k":"K","{number}m":"M","{number}t":"T","like":"Me gusta","unlike":"No me gusta","sticky":"Fijo","unsticky":"Unsticky","close":"Cerrar","open":"Abrir","topic icons":"Iconos de los Temas","replied":"Respondido","active":"Activo","hot":"Popular","solved":"Resuelto","unsolved":"No Resuelto","closed":"Cerrado","old password is wrong":"La contrase\u00f1a antigua es incorrecta","new passwords do not match":"Las Nuevas Contrase\u00f1as no coinciden","forum members list":"Miembros del foro","are you sure you want to delete?":"\u00bfest\u00e1s seguro de que quieres borrar?","admin":"Administrador","moderator":"Moderador","registered":"Registrado","customer":"Cliente","profile":"Perfil","incorrect file format. allowed formats: jpeg, jpg, png, gif.":"Formato de archivo incorrecto. Formatos permitidos: jpeg, jpg, png, gif.","user registration is disabled":"Registro de usuarios desactivado","attachment removed":"Archivo adjunto borrado","forum posts":"Mensajes del Foro","blog posts":"Art\u00edculos del Blog","blog comments":"Comentarios del Blog","welcome back %s!":"Bienvenido de nuevo %s!","member profile":"Perfil del Usuario","member":"Miembro","private":"Privado","public":"P\u00fablico","private topic":"Tema Privado","only admins and moderators can see your private topics.":"S\u00f3lo los administradores y moderadores pueden ver tus respuestas privadas","forum id is not detected":"ID del foro no detectado","you are not permitted to subscribe here":"No tienes permitido suscribirte aqu\u00ed","subscribe to this topic":"Suscribirse a este debate","awaiting moderation":"Esperando moderaci\u00f3n","topic first post not found.":"No se ha encontrado respuesta al primer tema.","topic first post data not found.":"No se ha encontrado datos de respuesta al primer tema. ","done!":"\u00a1Hecho!","unapproved":"No aprobado","you are not allowed to attach this file type":"No tienes permisos para adjuntar este tipo de archivos","post is empty":"El mensaje est\u00e1 vac\u00edo","removed link":"Enlace borrado","submit":"Enviar","usergroup":"Grupo de Usuario","rating title":"Rating Title","user title":"User Title","approved":"Aprobado","approve":"Aprobar","unapprove":"Rechazar","--- choose ---":"--- Escoger---","new":"Nuevo","required field":"Campo Requerido","add reply":"A\u00f1adir Respuesta","forums rss feed":"Feed RSS Foros","topics rss feed":"Feed RSS Mensajes","find a member":"Encontrar un usuario","display name or nicename":"Mostra Nombre o Username","reset search":"Restablecer B\u00fasqueda","reset result":"Restablecer Resultados","recently added":"Recent Posts","recent posts":"\u00daltimos Mensajes","no posts were found here":"No se han encontrado temas","forum link":"Foro link","in forum":"En el foro","after registration you will receive an email confirmation with a link to set a new password":"Tras el registro recibir\u00e1s un correo electr\u00f3nico de confirmaci\u00f3n con un enlace para establecer una nueva contrase\u00f1a","you can mention a person using @nicename in post content to send that person an email message. when you post a topic or reply, forum sends an email message to the user letting them know that they have been mentioned on the post.":"Puede mencionar a una persona usando @nombreusuario en el contenido del mensaje para enviarle un mensaje de correo electr\u00f3nico. Cuando publicas un tema o respondes, el foro env\u00eda un mensaje de correo electr\u00f3nico al usuario inform\u00e1ndole que ha sido mencionado en el mensaje.","view entire topic":"Ver todo el debate","author name":"Nombre del autor","your name":"Tu nombre","author email":"Correo electr\u00f3nico del autor","your email":"Tu correo electr\u00f3nico","your topic successfully added and awaiting moderation":"Hilo a\u00f1adido con \u00e9xito, a la espera de ser moderado","you are not allowed to edit this post":"No tienes permisos para editar este mensaje","google recaptcha verification failed":"Error en la verificaci\u00f3n de Google reCAPTCHA","error: can\\'t connect to google recaptcha api":"ERROR: No se puede conectar a la API de Google reCAPTCHA","welcome!":"\u00a1Bienvenido!","join us today!":"\u00a1\u00danete a nosotros hoy!","enter your email address or username and we\\'ll send you a link you can use to pick a new password.":"Introduce tu Correo electr\u00f3nico o Nombre de usuario y te enviaremos un enlace que puedes usar para elegir una nueva contrase\u00f1a.","please insert your email or username":"Por favor inserta tu Correo electr\u00f3nico o Nombre de usuario","reset password":"Restablecer Contrase\u00f1a","forgot your password?":"\u00bfHas olvidado tu contrase\u00f1a?","%s created a new topic %s":"%s cre\u00f3 un nuevo debate %s","%s replied to the topic %s":"%s ha respondido al debate %s","%s liked forum post %s":"A %s le gust\u00f3 la publicaci\u00f3n en el foro %s","read more":"Leer m\u00e1s","forum topic":"Debate del foro","forum post":"Mensaje del foro","forum post like":"Forum post like","tools":"Herramientas","target topic url":"Target Topic URL","target topic not found":"Target Topic not found","merge topics":"Fusionar debates","split topic":"Dividir debate","please copy the target topic url from browser address bar and paste in the field below.":"Please copy the target topic URL from browser address bar and paste in the field below.","all posts will be merged and displayed (ordered) in target topic according to posts dates. if you want to append merged posts to the end of the target topic you should allow to update posts dates to current date by check the option below.":"All posts will be merged and displayed (ordered) in target topic according to posts dates. If you want to append merged posts to the end of the target topic you should allow to update posts dates to current date by check the option below.","update post dates (current date) to allow append posts to the end of the target topic.":"Update post dates (current date) to allow append posts to the end of the target topic.","update post titles with target topic title.":"Actualizar los t\u00edtulos de los debates con los nuevos t\u00edtulos de debate.","topics once merged cannot be unmerged. this topic url will no longer be available.":"Los debates que se han fusionado no se pueden des-fusionar. La URL del debate ya no estar\u00e1 disponible.","create new topic":"Crear nuevo debate","create new topic with split posts. the first post of new topic becomes the earliest reply.":"Crear nuevo debate con mensajes divididos. El primer mensaje del nuevo debate pasar\u00e1 a ser la primera respuesta.","new topic title":"Nuevo t\u00edtulo de debate","new topic forum":"Nuevo debate del foro","select posts to split":"Selecciona un debate para dividir","topic once split cannot be unsplit. the first post of new topic becomes the earliest reply.":"Topic once split cannot be unsplit. The first post of new topic becomes the earliest reply.","merge":"Fusionar","split":"Dividir","move reply":"Mover respuesta","this action changes topic url. once the topic is moved to other forum the old url of this topic will no longer be available.":"Esta acci\u00f3n cambia la URL del debate. Una vez que el debate se mueva a otro foro, la antigua URL de este debate ya no estar\u00e1 disponible.","the time to edit this topic is expired":"El tiempo para editar este hilo ha expirado","the time to delete this topic is expired.":"The time to delete this topic is expired. Please contact the forum administratoristrator to delete it.","the time to edit this post is expired.":"El tiempo para editar este mensaje ha expirado","the time to delete this post is expired.":"El tiempo para eliminar este mensaje ha expirado","please contact the forum administratoristrator to delete it.":"Por favor, contacta con el administrador del foro para borrarlo.","please contact the forum administratoristrator to edit it.":"Por favor, contacta con el administrador del foro para editarlo.","read more about facebook public_profile properties.":"Leer m\u00e1s acerca de las caracter\u00edsticas del perfil p\u00fablico de Facebook","forum privacy policy":"Pol\u00edtica de privacidad del foro","i have read and agree to the %s.":"He le\u00eddo y acepto %s","click to open forum privacy policy below":"Haz clic para abrir la pol\u00edtica de privacidad del foro a continuaci\u00f3n","i agree":"Acepto","i do not agree. take me away from here.":"No acepto. S\u00e1came de aqu\u00ed.","forum rules":"Normas del foro","i have read and agree to abide by the %s.":"He le\u00eddo y acepto cumplir con las %s.","click to open forum rules below":"Haz clic para abrir las normas del foro a continuaci\u00f3n","i agree to these rules":"Estoy de acuerdo con estas normas","i do not agree to these rules. take me away from here.":"No estoy de acuerdo con estas normas. S\u00e1came de aqu\u00ed.","the website":"The website","i have read and agree to the":"I have read and agree to the","i have read and agree to %s privacy policy. for more information, please check our privacy policy, where you\\'ll get more info on where, how and why we store your data.":"I have read and agree to %s privacy policy. For more information, please check our privacy policy, where you'll get more info on where, how and why we store your data.","terms":"Terms","privacy policy":"Pol\u00edtica de privacidad","and":"Y","i agree to receive an email confirmation with a link to set a password.":"Acepto recibir un correo electr\u00f3nico de confirmaci\u00f3n con un enlace para establecer una contrase\u00f1a","contact us":"Contacta con nosotros","contact the forum administrator":"Contactar con el administrador del foro","share:":"Compartir:","share":"Compartir","share this post":"Compartir este mensaje","when you login first time using facebook login button, we collect your account %s information shared by facebook, based on your privacy settings. we also get your email address to automatically create a forum account for you. once your account is created, you\\'ll be logged-in to this account and you\\'ll receive a confirmation email.":"Cuando te conectes por primera vez desde el bot\u00f3n de Facebook, obtendremos tu informaci\u00f3n de cuenta %s compartida por Facebook, basada en tus opciones de privacidad. Tambi\u00e9n obtenemos la direcci\u00f3n de correo electr\u00f3nico para crear autom\u00e1ticamente una cuenta del foro. Cuando se cree tu cuenta, te conectar\u00e1s y recibir\u00e1s un correo electr\u00f3nico de confirmaci\u00f3n.","i allow to create an account based on my facebook public profile information and send confirmation email.":"Permito crear una cuenta basada en la informaci\u00f3n de mi perfil p\u00fablico de Facebook y enviar un correo electr\u00f3nico de confirmaci\u00f3n.","facebook login information":"Informaci\u00f3n de inicio de sesi\u00f3n de Facebook","share to facebook":"Compartir en Facebook","tweet this post":"Tuitear este mensaje","tweet":"Tuit","share to google+":"Compartir en Google+","share to vk":"Compartir en VK","share to ok":"Compartir en OK","share to whatsapp":"Compartir en WhatsApp","share to linkedin":"Compartir en LinkedIn","update subscriptions":"Actualizar suscripciones","subscribe to all new topics and posts":"Suscribirme a todos los nuevos temas y mensajes","subscribe to all new topics":"Suscribirme a todos los temas nuevos","subscription manager":"Gestor de suscripciones","topics and posts":"Debates y entradas","no data submitted":"Ning\u00fan dato enviado","user profile fields not found":"Campos de perfil de usuario no encontrados","field is required":"El campo es obligatorio","field value must be at least %d":"El valor del campo tiene que ser de al menos %d ","field value cannot be greater than %d":"El valor del campo no puede ser m\u00e1s grande que %d ","field length must be at least %d characters":"La longitud del campo tiene que contener al menos %d caracteres","field length cannot be greater than %d characters":"Field length can not be greater than %d characters","field value is not a valid url":"El valor no es una URL v\u00e1lida","file type is not detected":"El tipo de archivo no se ha detectado","file type %s is not allowed":"El tipo de archivo %s no est\u00e1 permitido","file is too large":"El archivo es demasiado grande","success! please check your mail for confirmation.":"\u00a1Correcto! Por favor comprueba tu correo electr\u00f3nico para confirmar.","username length must be between %d characters and %d characters.":"La longitud de nombre de usuario debe de estar entre %d y %d caracteres.","user registration is disabled.":"El registro de usuarios est\u00e1 desactivado.","avatar image is too big maximum allowed size is 2mb":"La imagen del avatar es demasiado grande, el m\u00e1ximo peso permitido es 2MB","one of the selected usergroups cannot be set as secondary":"Uno de los grupos de usuarios seleccionado no se puede establecer como secundario","the selected usergroup is not found in allowed list":"El grupo de usuario seleccionado no se encuentra en la lista de permitidos","the selected usergroup cannot be set":"El grupo de usuarios seleccionado no se puede configurar","admin and moderator usergroups are not permitted":"Los grupos de usuarios de administradores y moderadores no est\u00e1n permitidos","you have no permission to edit usergroup field":"No tienes permiso para editar el campo del grupo de usuario","this nickname is already in use. please insert another.":"Este alias ya se est\u00e1 usando. Por favor introduce otro.","nickname validation failed":"La validaci\u00f3n del alias ha fallado","numerical nicknames are not allowed. please insert another.":"Los alias num\u00e9ricos no est\u00e1n permitidos. Por favor introduce otro.","maximum allowed file size is %s mb":"El peso m\u00e1ximo permitido de los archivos es de %s MB","this email address is already registered. please insert another":"Esta direcci\u00f3n de correo electr\u00f3nico ya est\u00e1 registrada. Por favor introduce otra","allowed file types: %s":"Tipos de archivo permitidos: %s","form name not found":"Nombre del formulario no encontrado","form template not found":"Plantilla del formulario no encontrada","profile updated successfully":"Actualizaci\u00f3n del perfil correcta","user data update failed":"Error al actualizar los datos del usuario","user profile update failed":"Error al altualizar el perfil del usuario","user custom field update failed":"Error al actualizar el campo personalizado del usuario","sorry, there was an error uploading attached file":"Lo siento, ha habido un error al subir al servidor el archivo adjunto","edit topic":"Editar debate","this topic was modified %s by %s":"Este debate ha sido modificado el %s por %s","edit post":"Editar publicaci\u00f3n","this post was modified %s by %s":"Esta publicaci\u00f3n ha sido modificada el %s por %s","topics started":"Debates creados","replies created":"Respuestas creadas","liked posts":"Me gusta","topic link":"Enlace del debate","forum topics started":"Debates iniciados en el foro","forum replies created":"Respuestas creadas en el foro","liked forum posts":"Publicaciones del foro que me gustan","forum subscriptions":"Subscripciones al foro","start typing tags here (maximum %d tags are allowed)...":"Empieza escribiendo etiquetas aqu\u00ed (est\u00e1n permitidas un m\u00e1ximo de %d etiquetas)...","topic tag":"Etiqueta del debate","topic tags":"Etiquetas del debate","separate tags using a comma":"Separa las etiquetas usando comas","tags":"Etiquetas","find topics by tags":"Encontrar debates mediante etiquetas","related topics":"Debates relacionados","next topic":"Siguiente debate","previous topic":"Anterior debate","all topics of this forum":"All topics of this forum","no tags found":"No se han encontrado etiquetas","forum contains no unread posts":"El foro no contiene publicaciones sin leer","forum contains unread posts":"El foro contiene publicaciones sin leer","mark all read":"Marcar todo como le\u00eddo","not replied":"No respondidos","tags are disabled":"Las etiquetas est\u00e1n desactivadas","unread posts":"Publicaciones sin leer","no unread posts were found":"No se han encontrado publicaciones sin leer","ask a question":"Haz una pregunta","your question":"Tu pregunta","question tags":"Etiqueta de la pregunta","this topic doesn\\'t exist or you don\\'t have permissions to see that.":"Este debate no existe o no tienes permisos para poder verlo.","%d user ( %s )":"%d usuario ( %s )","%d users ( %s )":"%d usuarios ( %s )","recently viewed by users: %s.":"Visto recientemente por los usuarios: %s.","%s guest":"%s invitado","%s guests":"%s invitados","%d times":"%d veces","currently viewing this topic %s %s %s.":"Actualmente viendo este debate %s %s %s.","forum icons":"Iconos del foro","(%d viewing)":"(%d viendo)","view all tags (%d)":"Ver todas las etiquetas (%d)","topic reply":"Responder debate","you have %d new replies":"Tienes %d nuevas respuestas","you have %d new reply to %2$s from %3$s":"Tienes %d nuevas respuestas en %2$s de %3$s","you have %d new reply to %s":"Tienes %d nuevas respuestas en %s","are you sure you wanted to do that?":"\u00bfEst\u00e1s seguro que quieres hacer eso?","you do not have permission to mark notifications for that user.":"No tienes permisos para marcar avisos para este usuario.","tools: move, split, merge":"Herramientas: mover, separar, unir","hide replies":"Ocultar respuestas","show replies":"Mostrar respuestas","no threads found":"No se encontr\u00f3 ning\u00fan debate","most voted":"M\u00e1s votado","most commented":"M\u00e1s comentado","newest":"M\u00e1s reciente","oldest":"M\u00e1s antiguo","%d answers":"%d respuestas","%d answer":"%d respuesta","reply with quote":"Responder con cita","leave a comment":"Dejar un comentario","i allow to create an account and send confirmation email.":"I allow to create an account and send confirmation email.","google recaptcha data are not submitted":"Google reCAPTCHA data are not submitted","delete this file":"Eliminar este archivo","are you sure you want to delete this file?":"\u00bfEst\u00e1s seguro de que quieres borrar este archivo?","specify avatar by url:":"Especificar URL de avatar:","error: invalid_username. sorry, that username is not allowed. please insert another.":"ERROR: invalid_username. Sorry, that username is not allowed. Please insert another.","password length must be between %d characters and %d characters.":"La contrase\u00f1a debe contener entre %d y %d caracteres.","this nickname is already registered. please insert another.":"Este alias ya est\u00e1 registrado. Por favor, elige otro.","avatar image is too big maximum allowed size is %s":"La imagen del avatar es demasiado grande, el tama\u00f1o m\u00e1ximo permitido es %s","userid is wrong":"El ID de usuario no es correcto","password successfully changed":"Password successfully changed","user successfully banned from wpforo":"Usuario baneado de wpforo con \u00e9xito","user ban action error":"Error al banear usuario","user successfully unbanned from wpforo":"Usuario desbaneado de wpforo con \u00e9xito","user unban action error":"Error al desbanear usuario","anonymous":"An\u00f3nimo","nickname":"Alias","url address identifier":"Identificador de direcci\u00f3n URL","user groups secondary":"Grupos de usuarios secundarios","email has been confirmed":"Correo electr\u00f3nico confirmado","email confirm error":"Error en el correo de confirmaci\u00f3n","you are posting too quickly. slow down.":"Est\u00e1s publicando demasiado r\u00e1pido.","function wpforo_thread_reply() not found.":"Funci\u00f3n wpforo_thread_reply() no encontrada","error: change status action":"Error: Change Status action","select forum":"Seleccionar foro","write here . . .":"Escribe aqu\u00ed...","cancel":"Cancelar","you do not have permission to view this page":"No tiene permiso para ver esta p\u00e1gina","data merging error":"Data merging error","please select a target forum":"Please select a target forum","please insert required fields":"Please insert required fields","please select at least one post to split":"Please select at least one post to split","topic splitting error":"Topic splitting error","status changing error":"Status changing error","repeat new password":"Repeat new password","%s posted a new topic %s":"%s posted a new topic %s","created by %s":"Created by %s","last reply by %s":"\u00daltima respuesta por %s","reply to":"Responder a","topic author":"Topic Author","reply by":"Respuesta por","all ":"Todos","deleted":"Borrado","404 - page not found":"404 - P\u00e1gina no encontrada","about":"Acerca de","action error":"Error en la acci\u00f3n","post not found":"Entrada no encontrada","done":"Hecho","topic not found":"No se encontr\u00f3 el debate","wrong data":"Informaci\u00f3n incorrecta","all topics has been loaded in this list":"Todos los temas se han cargado en esta lista","attachment":"Adjunto","the key is expired":"La clave ha caducado","the key is invalid":"La clave no es v\u00e1lida","email has been sent":"Se ha enviado el correo electr\u00f3nico","the password reset mismatch":"El restablecimiento de contrase\u00f1a no coincide","the password reset empty":"El restablecimiento de contrase\u00f1a est\u00e1 vac\u00edo","the password has been changed":"La contrase\u00f1a ha sido cambiada","invalid request.":"Solicitud no v\u00e1lida","you have been banned. please contact the forum administrator for more information.":"You have been banned. Please contact the forum administrator for more information.","topic are private, please register or login for further information":"Topic are private, please register or login for further information","more":"M\u00e1s","expand to show all comments on this post":"Expand to show all comments on this post","show %d more comments":"Show %d more comments","threads":"Threads","no forum found in this category":"No forum found in this category","popular":"Popular","resolved":"Resolved","status":"Estado","users":"Usuarios","load more topics":"Load More Topics","reset fields":"Restablecer campos","not replied topics":"Not Replied Topics","solved topics":"Solved Topics","unsolved topics":"Unsolved Topics","closed topics":"Closed Topics","open topics":"Open Topics","sticky topics":"Sticky Topics","private topics":"Debates privados","unapproved posts":"Mensajes sin aprobar","tag":"Etiqueta","%s replies":"%s respuestas","%s reply":"%s respuesta","quote this text":"Citar este texto","preview":"Vista previa","revision":"Revisi\u00f3n","revisions":"Revisiones","%1$s revisions":"%1$s revisiones","saved":"Guardado","restore":"Restaurar","save draft":"Guardar el borrador","saving draft":"Guardando el borrador","loading topics":"Cargando los debates","topic tag:":"Etiqueta del debate:","join us!":"\u00a1\u00danete a nosotros!","notifications":"Avisos","clear all":"Vaciar todo","you have no new notification":"No tienes ning\u00fan nuevo aviso","you have a new notification":"Tienes una nueva notificaci\u00f3n","you have new notifications":"Tienes nuevas notificaciones","new reply":"Nueva respuesta","new reply from %1$s, %2$s":"Nueva respuesta de %1$s, %2$s","new like":"Nuevo \u00abMe gusta\u00bb","new like from %1$s, %2$s":"Nuevo \u00abMe gusta\u00bb de %1$s, %2$s","new up vote":"Nuevo voto positivo","new up vote from %1$s, %2$s":"Nuevo voto positivo de %1$s, %2$s","new down vote":"Nuevo voto negativo","new down vote from %1$s, %2$s":"Nuevo voto negativo de %1$s, %2$s","go to first unread post":"Ir a la primera entrada sin leer","new user mentioning":"Nueva menci\u00f3n de usuario","%1$s has mentioned you, %2$s":"%1$s te ha mencionado, %2$s","new notification":"Nuevo aviso","new notification from %1$s, %2$s":"Nuevo aviso de %1$s, %2$s","protect your forum from spam user registration!":"\u00a1Protege tu foro del registro de usuarios de spam!","wpforo has not found any protection solution against spam user registration on the forum registration form. please %1$s and enable the %2$s antibot protection in %3$s or install other alternative %4$s to avoid registration of spam users.":"WpForo no ha encontrado en el formulario ninguna protecci\u00f3n contra el spam en el formulario de registro del foro. Por favor, %1$s y activa la %2$s protecci\u00f3n antibot en %3$s o instala otra alternativa %4$s para evitar el registro de usuarios spam.","settings > spam protection tab":"Settings > Spam Protection Tab\n ","wordpress plugin":"Plugins de WordPress","this notification is only visible for the website administrators. it will be automatically disabled once some antispam solution is enabled. if you don\\'t use wpforo registration form or you\\'re sure, that you have an antispam solution just click the [dismiss] button.":"Este aviso solo es visible para los administradores de la web. Desaparecer\u00e1 autom\u00e1ticamente cuando se haya activado alg\u00fan tipo de soluci\u00f3n antispam. Si no usas el formulario de registro de wpForo o est\u00e1s seguro de que ya tienes una soluci\u00f3n antispam, haz clic en el bot\u00f3n [descartar].","dismiss":"Descartar","add new category or forum":"A\u00f1adir una nueva categor\u00eda o foro","change color style":"Cambiar el color del estilo","post moderation":"Moderaci\u00f3n de entradas","antispam":"Antispam\n ","forum menu":"Men\u00fa del foro","forum widgets":"Widgets del foro","delete forum cache":"Borrar la cach\u00e9 del foro","admin control panel":"Panel de control del administrador","the layout you want":"El dise\u00f1o que quieres","please note, that forums can be displayed with different layouts %1$s, just edit the top category (blue panel) and set %2$s. child forums inherit the top category (blue panel) layout.":"Por favor, ten en cuenta que los foros pueden mostrarse con diferentes dise\u00f1os %1$s, simplemente edita la categor\u00eda superior (panel azul) y establece %2$s. Los foros hijo heredan el dise\u00f1o de la categor\u00eda superior (panel azul).","no new posts found":"No se han encontrado nuevas entradas","no posts found":"No posts found\n ","i got it, please dismiss this message":"Lo tengo, por favor, descarta este mensaje","configure":"Configurar","{new}":"{nuevo}","create account":"Crear cuenta","full":"Completo","short":"Corto","topic starter":"Topic starter\n\t","do you really want to reset options?":"\u00bfRealmente quieres restablecer las opciones?","subscribe for new posts":"Subscribe for new posts","restore revision":"Restore Revision","deleting revision":"Deleting Revision","uploading...":"Uploading...","discussions that my already have the information you are looking for":"Discussions that my already have the information you are looking for","write something clever here..":"Write something clever here..","content characters length must be greater than %d":"Content characters length must be greater than %d","content characters length must be smaller than %d":"Content characters length must be smaller than %d","copied":"Copiado","share urls":"Share Urls","deleted successfully!":"Borrado Correcto!","sorry, this file cannot be deleted":"Lo sentimos, este archivo no puede ser eliminado","request for account approval":"Request for account approval","synched successfully!":"\u00a1Sincronizado con \u00e9xito!","updated successfully!":"Actualizaci\u00f3n Correcta!","threads rebuilt successfully":"Threads rebuilt successfully","rebuilt successfully!":"\u00a1Reconstruido con \u00e9xito!","cleaned up!":"Cleaned Up!","settings successfully updated":"Ajustes actualizados correctamente","cleanup options reset successfully":"Opciones de limpieza restablecidas correctamente","misc options reset successfully":"Opciones miscel\u00e1nea restablecidas correctamente","settings reset successfully":"Ajustes restablecidos correctamente","user successfully deleted":"User successfully deleted","usergroup is successfully changed for selected users":"Usergroup is successfully changed for selected users","please select users and usergroup":"Please select users and usergroup","successfully done":"Successfully Done","please save \\\"forum template slugs":"Please save \"Forum template slugs","you have no new notifications":"No tienes nuevos avisos","max allowed file size":"Max allowed file size","default avatar":"Avatar por defecto","edit account information":"Edit Account Information","edit user in dashboard":"Edit User in Dashboard","unban user":"Desbloquear al usuario","ban user":"Bloquear al usuario","please confirm you want to do this action?":"Please confirm you want to do this action?","delete account":"Delete Account","delete user in dashboard":"Delete User in Dashboard","empty fields":"Empty fields","you can\\'t make yourself banned user":"No puedes banearte a ti mismo","user successfully activated from wpforo":"User successfully activated from wpforo","user activate action error":"User activate action error","user successfully deactivated from wpforo":"User successfully deactivated from wpforo","user deactivate action error":"User deactivate action error","first name":"First Name","last name":"Last Name","youtube":"YouTube","vkontakte":"VKontakte","linkedin":"LinkedIn","telegram":"Telegram","instagram":"Instagram","%1$s":"%1$s","access successfully added":"Access successfully added","access successfully edited":"Access successfully edited","incorrect file type":"Incorrect file type","can\\'t upload file":"Can't upload file","%1$s - file is too large. maximum allowed file size is %2$s mb":"%1$s - File is too large. Maximum allowed file size is %2$s MB","%1$s - file type is not allowed.":"%1$s - File type is not allowed.","no topic found for update":"No Topic found for update","no forum found for update":"No Forum found for update","slug":"Slug","body":"Body","you should have %d or more approved posts to be able edit your profile information":"You should have %d or more approved posts to be able edit your profile information","add new topic":"Add New Topic","your template is not found":"Your template is not found","your template has not found":"Your template has not found","no forum selected":"Ning\u00fan foro seleccionado","advanced search options":"Advanced search options","filter by custom fields":"Filter by custom fields","topic prefix":"Topic Prefix","spoiler":"Spoiler","to reply to this topic.":"To reply to this topic.","board":"Board","bookmarks":"Bookmarks","likes":"Likes","dislikes":"Dislikes","total posts":"Total Posts","please use the contact form below if you want to contact the website administrator.":"Please use the contact form below if you want to contact the website administrator.","you have been automatically signed out from the website. your account is awaiting approval.":"You have been automatically signed out from the website. Your account is awaiting approval.","your message to the website administrator...":"Your message to the website administrator...","send":"Send","change cover image":"Change Cover Image","forum not found.":"Forum not found.","you don\\'t have permission to delete topic from this forum.":"No tienes permisos para borrar debates en este foro.","please make sure you don\\'t have not-synched roles in the \\\"user roles":"Please make sure you don't have not-synched Roles in the \"User Roles","secondary usergroup":"Secondary Usergroup","forum jump:":"Forum Jump:","topic navigation":"Topic Navigation","do not delete wpforo page!!!":"\u00a1NO BORRAR LA P\u00c1GINA DE WPFORO!","you don\\'t have permission to make topic answered":"No tienes permiso para marcar el tema como respondido","you don\\'t have permission to make two best answers for one topic":"No tienes permiso para marcar las dos mejores respuestas de un tema","you don\\'t have permission to do this action from this forum":"No tienes permiso para realizar esta acci\u00f3n en este foro","


","you are not permitted to view this attachment":"No tienes permiso para ver el archivo adjunto","role-usergroup synchronization is complete!":"Role-Usergroup synchronization is complete!","tools > antispam tab":"Tools > Antispam Tab","i have read and agree to %s privacy policy.":"He le\u00eddo y acepto %s la pol\u00edtica de privacidad","bookmark":"Bookmark","unbookmark":"Unbookmark","unfollow":"Unfollow","follow":"Follow","self following not allowed!":"Self following not allowed!","you are not logged in or sent wrong data!":"You are not logged in or sent wrong data!","followers":"Followers","following":"Following","unmute mentioning emails":"Unmute Mentioning Emails","mute mentioning emails":"Mute Mentioning Emails","dislike":"Dislike","you don\\'t have permission to like posts from this forum":"No tienes permisos para darle a \u00abMe gusta\u00bb en las entradas de este foro","you\\'re already liked this post":"You're already liked this post","you\\'re already disliked this post":"You're already disliked this post","you have removed your vote":"You have removed your vote","%s reacted":"%s reacted","%s and %s reacted":"%s and %s reacted","%s, %s and %s reacted":"%s, %s and %s reacted","%s, %s, %s and %d people reacted":"%s, %s, %s and %d people reacted","you are not permitted to subscribe with you":"You are not permitted to subscribe with you","subscribe to this question":"Subscribe to this question","forum information":"Forum Information","topic overview and more...":"Topic overview and more...","active participants":"Active Participants","topic overview":"Topic Overview","load more replies...":"Load more replies...","no participants":"No Participants","forum participants":"Forum Participants","participants":"Participants","no replies":"No replies","votes & answers":"Votes & Answers","question":"Question","question status":"Question Status","author":"Author","joined:":"Joined:","your user level does not have appropriate permission to view the content":"Your user level does not have appropriate permission to view the content","you do not have permission to view the content":"You do not have permission to view the content","topic":"Topic","replies:":"Replies:","views:":"Views:","no posts found for this member.":"No posts found for this member.","no followers found for this member.":"No followers found for this member.","no following found for this member.":"No following found for this member.","received dislikes":"Received Dislikes","last seen":"Last seen","topics with their latest replies in reversed order":"Topics with their latest replies in reversed order","posts with their shortened content":"Posts with their shortened content","relevance":"Relevancia","posts not found":"Posts not found","forum board is under construction":"Forum Board is Under Construction","secondary groups":"Secondary Groups","asd":"Asd","all forum topics":"Todos los debates del foro","discussions that may already have the information you are looking for":"Discussions that may already have the information you are looking for","saving...":"Saving...","flushed successfully!":"Flushed Successfully!","new dislike":"New Dislike","new dislike from %1$s, %2$s":"New dislike from %1$s, %2$s","add to pre-defined values":"Add to pre-defined values","this field is required":"This Field is Required","wrong value (this field allows only predefined values)":"Wrong Value (This Field Allows Only Predefined Values)","you should have minimum number of approved posts to be able edit your profile information":"You should have minimum number of approved posts to be able edit your profile information","go to original post":"Go to original post","upload new cover":"Upload New Cover","reset to default":"Reset to Default","the content is too short":"The content is too short"};