Welcome to Film Genre. Readings for this course can be found here: ftp://ftp.icesi.edu.co/mlcuellar/
Readings for next class are as follows:
David Bordwell & Kristin Thompson´s: Film Genres (pg 93-100 & 105-108)
Introduction (pg. 1-17) to Steven Cohan´s, Hollywood Musicals, The Film Reader.
Assignments for next class:
Before you read Bordwell & Thompson’s chapter on Film Genre, please write a short text that describes how you would define Film Genre. After you do the reading, please write another text in which you describe your new understandings of Film Genre.
You also need to read Steve Cohan’s introduction to his book Hollywood Musicals and write a series of 5 questions. The questions can either address issues that are resolved in the reading or issues that, in your opinion, are left unclear.