Category Archives: assignments

Sci-Fi, Nov 4th

For November 4th please read two essays James & Mendelssohn’s book, The Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction.
– Mark Bould, Film and Television. (pg. 79-96)
– Gwyneth Jones, The Icons of Science Fiction. (pg. 163-174)

You must read both articles before next class.

Along with the readings assigned for November 4th, you need to write the project you want to work on for your final paper. This “anteproyecto” must be handed in that day and should describe your intentions and the movies you have chosen to work with. It should also contain a bibliography that includes not only websites but books and magazines.

If you work on your own the length of the final paper is 2500 words, if you work in groups of two I will ask you to submit a paper of no less than 4000 words.

Last presentation on Horror Films (Gerardo & Daniel).

Assignments for Oct. 14

Please read Old is New (chapter 5) of James Naremore´s More Than Night.

Also, the following movies are available at the library:

Out of the Past
Touch of Evil (Sed del mal)

Please chose one of the films mentioned above and write a brief comparison between Double Indemnity and the film you chose to work with. List the elements that you find familiar as well as the motifs of noir you identify on each.

Assignments for Oct. 7th

Please read:
Chapter 4 – Steve Neale, Hollywood and Genre.
– Film Noir (pg. 151-179)
Chapter 4 – James Naremore, More Than Night.
– Low is High (137 – 166)

Please write a series of 5 questions for each text. ON A SEPARATE piece of paper, please write the answers to each question.

The following movies are available at the library:

Out of the Past
Touch of Evil (Sed del mal)

Please chose one of the films mentioned above and write a brief comparison between Double Indemnity and the film you chose to work with. List the elements that you find familiar as well as the motifs of noir you identify on each.

Assignments for Sept. 9th

Conclusions & appendix to Rick Altman’s, Film / Genre. Please read the appendix first (pg 216-225) and then the conclusions (pg 207-215). Write down the definitions for semantic, syntactic and pragmatic approaches to film genre and bring your notes to class. You can find the readings in the ftp under the Semantic-syntactic folder.

Cronograma de presentaciones

Semana 7 (Septiembre 9)
Segunda presentación de trabajos de investigación:
Exploitation (Christian & Enrique)

Semana 8 (Septiembre 16)
Primer examen parcial

Semana 10 (Septiembre 30)
Tercera presentación de trabajos de investigación:
Gangster (Alejandro, Ruben)

Semana 11 (Octubre 7)
Cuarta presentación de trabajos de investigación:
Action: (Carlos Arturo & Aura)

Semana 13 (Octubre 21)
Segundo Parcial

Semana 14 (Octubre 28)
Quinta presentación de trabajos de investigación:
War: (Juan Pablo & Giovanny)

Semana 15 (Noviembre 4)
Entrega de anteproyectos

Semana 16 (Noviembre 11)
La figura del monstruo en el cine de horror
Quinta presentación de trabajos de investigación:
Horror (Gerardo & Daniel M)

Assignments for August 26th

Please read:

Robert Warshow´s, Movie Chronicle: The Westerner (pg 654-667)

Write a text in which you discuss the characteristics of “the westerner” described by Warshow and the traits you found in the movie we watched in class: Stagecoach.

Also, please read:

“The western: or the American film par excellence” and “The evolution of the western”, both by Andre Bazin.

Please write a series of three questions and three answers for both texts.

The only ones who are exempt from handing in the homework are Natalia, Alvaro & Herberth, who are doing a presentation on “comedy”. They are not exempt, however, from doing the readings.

Assignments for August 12


Richard Dyer’s essay in Steven Cohan’s, Hollywood Musicals, The Film Reader:
– Richard Dyer, Entertainment and Utopia. (pg 17-30)

Abstract from the second chapter of Steve Neale’s, Genre and Hollywood: Musicals (pg. 104-112)

Watch Lars Von Trier’s, Dancer in the Dark, 2000

1. Write a small piece on the movie we watched in class (Singin´ in the Rain). Use both, Steven Cohan’s Introduction and Richard Dyer’s text as a guideline. Try to address the peculiar aspects of the film, for example; how the narrative unfolds, the relationship between the dance and singing scenes with the story, etc.

2. Write a text comparing Singin’ in the Rain to Dancer in the Dark and both films relation to Utopia (based on Dyer’s text).