Full time professor for the Biochemistry area in ICESI University, Cali – Colombia.

Cali, 26th of September 2011


Full time professor for the Biochemistry area in ICESI University, Cali – Colombia.

The Department of Chemical Sciences at Universidad ICESI in Cali Colombia invites applications for a professor position in the field of Biochemistry. Applicants must:

  1. Present a CV including:
    • Personal information
    • Research and academic experience
    • Courses taken at the graduate studies level, or complementary (with official certification)
    • Knowledge and experience in experimental methods and techniques
  2. Hold a college degree with major in chemistry (preferable), biochemistry, or chemical engineering
  3. Hold a doctorate (or equivalent) in Chemistry, Biochemistry or Biophysics.
  4. Have knowledge and academic experience to teach courses at the undergraduate and graduate level in chemistry, specifically in the area of Biochemistry (enzymology and protein engineering) and develop research in related fields.
  5. It is not a requisite, but  at least two years of postdoctoral experience will be preferred
  6. Have International publications in the field of biochemistry
  7. Have good/excellent  communication skills in Spanish and English
  8. Have recommendation letters from his/hers directors in doctorate and post-doctoral positions (if apply).
  9. Present a research proposal viable in the reality of a Developing Country as Colombia.

During the revision of applications the applicants could be ask for additional information. Certificates and documents will be revised by the Department of Chemical Sciences. A short list of selected will be called for interviews for the final selection.

As a full time professor the successful candidate will sign an indefinite term contract under the exclusive dedication terms.  During the first three years the University will support with a seed fund to start-up his/hers research lab.

The School of Natural Sciences at Universidad ICESI started in the summer of 2008 with three undergraduate programs: Biology, Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. By fall 2011 the School has 294 undergraduate students, 74 professors, and counts with a modern building of 10,000 m2 holding teaching and research laboratories. Besides the short existence of the school, all its full-time professors are undergoing research projects with funds coming from University’s seed grants or external agencies (Colciencias and international grants). The school of Natural Sciences continues its growing process increasing the number of undergraduate students, incorporating more professors and seeking for more research funds.

The deadline to receive documents is November 15th 2011. The applicants can send the documents via certified mail to:

Ivonne Jaramillo

Facultad de Ciencias Naturales,

Universidad ICESI

Calle 18 # 122-135, Pance

Cali – Colombia

Applications could also be sent via email in a compressed ZIP format file not larger than 4 Mb. The email address to send the applications and documents is: ijjaramillo@icesi.edu.co. After the application is received we will send an email confirming the delivery of the documents, and its completeness and good state. For further information of the Department of Chemical sciences, please contact Carlos A. Arango, Head of The Chemical sciences Department at caarango@icesi.edu.co.


CALLE 18 No. 122-135 PANCE, A.A. 25608

PBX. 5552334  en Internet: http://www.icesi.edu.co


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