En los anteriores dos  módulos, hemos desarrollado una aproxima general teórica , sobre:

-el significado de la e-logistic, y

-el contraste de la la misma al analizar las aplicaciones que ha realizado la industria manufacturera de Taiwán en especial con el proceso de abastecimiento.

-se revisaron las proyecciones futuras de la supply chain , donde se encuentra implícito el uso de las TIC´s , cada vez con mayor densidad

-hicieron un contraste de lo teórico revisado hasta el momento, entrevistando a profesionales de la logística  y haciendo observaciones, para genetivo: erar un contraste con el uso real de las aplicaciones de las TIC´s y cómo influyen en la logística, como también en la supply chain.

Ahora nos orientamos hacia un módulo de exploración teórica:

Objetivo: contrastar dos estudios elaborados sobre la implementación del e-commerce en empresas de USA y de Malasia, con las propuestas teóricas que presentan el impacto del internet en la supply chain, la organización y la estrategia de los negocios; con el fin de determinar la relación directa entre la capacidad de un negocio para competir en términos de la logística y la supply chain, con  el uso del internet.

Actividad: será de enfoque de revisión teórica y contraste de resultados propuestos en las investigaciones realizadas por los autores de diferentes artículos seleccionados.

TAREA 1-Realizar las siguientes lecturas: tres papers sobre las cuales debe desarrollar revisión del documento: a cada lectura realizar un mapa mental y posteriormente integrar los elementos que las estructuran para identificar elementos comunes entre los conceptos teóricos desarrollados por los autores.

1.1.E-supply chain operational and behavioural perspectives: an empirical study of Malaysian SMEs.

A review of the literature suggests that much of the existing e-supply chain adoption literature is not firmly grounded in theory. Where many previous studies have identified technology as the key determinant, we argue that operational and behavioural perspectives should be duly taken into consideration while adopting e-technology. Therefore, inspired by the systems engineering principles, we propose a generic framework for evaluating business performance of e-supply chain companies.

1-E-supply chain operational and behavioural perspectives an empirical -Malasia

1.2. Perceived Strategic Value and Adoption of Electronic Commerce: An Empirical Study of Small and Medium Sized Businesses-USA

By combining two independent research streams, we examine the strategic value and adoption of electronic commerce (e-commerce) as perceived by top managers in small and medium sized enterprises (SME). We propose a research model that posits three factors that have been found to be influential in previous research in the perception of strategic value of other information technologies.

2-perceived estrategic value

1.3. Reconsidering e-business strategy and the impact on supply chains.

The focus of the earlier paper was on integration and collaboration tools, while internet B2B tools can be used also for the opposite purpose. E-sourcing and e-procurement tools are aimed at increasing purchasing efficiency, rather than integrating inter-firm business processes. In general, statistics and predictions such as those discussed focus on the value of exchanges, not on the purpose of internet applications.


Entregable: Sobre cada una de las lecturas desarrolladas, debe realizar un clip presentado un resumen sobre los planteamientos y los resultados de los autores. Subir los tres clips al blog individual.



TAREA  2: De las siguientes lecturas debe seleccionar dos:

2.1 Adopting new technologies for supply chain management

Integration of supply chain activities and the technologies to accomplish it have become competitive necessities in most industries. Accordingly, the trend toward greater use of supply chain technologies is on a clear path forward. As one manager has noted: ‘‘With almost daily technology advancement globally in every facet of the business, organizations need to synchronize by adopting and implementing new electronic commerce and supply chain technology in order to protect market share, not to mention improve market penetration’’. This paper develops a model of the key factors influencing the adoption of supply chain technology.

4-Adopting new technologies for supply chain management

2.2. The Impact of the Internet on Supply Chain Management

5-B2B Davids-impacto del internet en la supply chain

2.3  Co-opetition and Technological Innovation in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) face tremendous challenges in their attempt to pursue technological innovations. This paper argues that co-opetition strategy—simultaneous pursuit of competition and collaboration—helps SMEs to develop their ability to effectively pursue technological innovations.

6-Co-opetition and Technological Innovation in

2.4. E-commerce and its impact on operations management

Electronic commerce (EC) is possibly the most promising application of information technology witnessed in recent years. It is revolutionizing supply-chain management and has enormous potential for manufacturing, retail and service operations. The tremendous importance of EC has prompted us to write this paper. We have attempted to define e-commerce and examine major EC elements that link organizational systems. The application of EC in manufacturing, retailing and service operations is examined, and a framework for describing EC components and their role in different areas of an organization is proposed.

7-E-commerce and its impact on operations management

2.5. An information technology trilogy: business strategy, technological deployment and organizational performance.

8-estrategia-tecnologia y organizacion

2.6. E-opportunity


2.7.  Internet-Enabled Supply Chain Systems: Drivers or Inhibitors of Collaboration?

Today many firms are attempting to reconstruct traditional trading relationships in the supply chain by pursuing collaborative partnerships. Some firms have introduced Internet-enabled supply chain systems to integrate strategic suppliers into collaborative networks to promote cooperative activities and relationships. In reality, many of these so-called ‘collaborative’ supply chain systems have underperformed or been terminated. Although these supply chain systems frequently achieve gains in operational performance, they often fail to enact any substantial relationship change or redesign business activities required for collaboration.

10-Internet-Enabled Supply Chain Systems

2.8.  The Role of the Internet in Supply Chain Management

The Internet has grown rapidly over the last 5 years. It is predicted that more than 100 million households will be connected to the World Wide Web by 2002. But what about the use of the Internet in business-to-business supply chain applications? Here, the greatest potential of the Internet is being realized by speeding up communication between customers and their suppliers, improving service levels, and reducing logistics costs. In this article, the authors discuss for the first time how the Internet is being used in managing the major components of supply chains including transportation, purchasing, inventory management, customer service, production scheduling, warehousing, and vendor relations.

11-The Role of the Internet in Supply Chain Management

ENTREGABLE: Sobre las dos lecturas seleccionadas debe realizar un clip de cada una con el resumen de la lectura que contenga los argumentos y los resultados del autor. Debe subir en total dos clips.

Posteriormente debe tomar : las tres lecturas obligatorias y las dos adicionales ( de libre elección ) y realizar un contraste entre los argumentos encontrados, generando evidencia de soporte entre los planteamientos encontrados. Debe realizar cinco propuestas conceptuales que contengan los argumentos integrados de las cinco lecturas realizadas.  De cada uno de las propuestas conceptuales debe realizar un clip y subirlo al blog. En total cinco clips.

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