SuperPro Designer®, User-Oriented Software Used for Analyzing the Techno-Economic Feasibility of Electrical Energy Generation from Sugarcane Vinasse in Colombia

Investigadores Icesi: Fredy Rojas (CoI), Licelly Canizales (Col), María Francisca Villegas (CoI), Nelson Caicedo (CoI)

SuperPro Designer® is a process simulator software used for analyzing the techno-economic feasibility of large-scale bioprocesses. Its predetermined built-in features allow for easy implementation by non-experts, but a lack of examples limits its appropriation. This study aims to validate the implementation of SuperPro Designer® by non-experts for the techno-economic analysis of anaerobic digestion in Colombia, using vinasse as feedstock. These results demonstrate the financial feasibility of such a process when a processing flow rate of 25 m3/h is ensured. Additionally, this study validates the manageability of the tool for assessing the economic feasibility of a technology, a key practice during technology development regardless of the area of expertise.

Colaboradores: MÖBIUS

Financiador: Interfacultades

Fechas: 2017-2019


Maria Francisca Villegas

Fredy Rojas

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