redatamx is a package to work with REDATAM databases in RXDB (new) or DICX (old) format.
To install the R package, run the following command:
# Install released version from CRAN
The Redatam package enables the use of REDATAM databases inside R. It is possible to open a REDATAM dictionary (dicx format or the new rxdb format) and run Redatam programs written in SPC language.
For example:
# open a dictionary
# run a frequency using the new syntax
<-redatam_query(dic, "freq person.sexo")
#-- you can use the old syntax too
#-- tbl1<-redatam_query(dic, "table t1 as frequency person.sexo")
# close the dictionary
You need to replace
to point to your NMIR dictionary (Redatam database).
After running the above program, you will find a new data frame tbl1 that corresponds to the output of the REDATAM program. You can use R commands to operate with the new data frame, the output of the above program is:
## SEXO1_value SEXO1_label value
## 1 Hombre 26834
## 2 Mujer 25355
This package was created and is supported by Jaime Salvador (
The REDATAM software is developed by CELADE.