Author: Riko Kelter
This vignette explains how to use the Full Bayesian Significance Test (FBST) for Bayesian hypothesis testing of a precise (point-null) hypothesis against its alternative via the e-value.
The FBST uses the e-value to quantify the evidence against a precise hypothesis. The FBST can be used with any standard parametric model, where θ∈Θ⊆Rp is a (possibly vector-valued) parameter of interest, p(y|θ) is the likelihood and p(θ) is the density of the prior distribution.
A precise hypothesis H0 makes the statement that the parameter θ lies in the corresponding null set ΘH0. For point null hypotheses like H0:θ=θ0 the null set simply is given as ΘH0=θ0. The idea of the FBST is to use the e-value, which quantifies the Bayesian evidence against H0 as a Bayesian replacement of the traditional p-value. To construct the e-value the posterior surprise function s(θ) is defined as follows: s(θ):=p(θ|y)r(θ) The surprise function normalizes the posterior distribution p(θ|y) by a reference function r(θ). Possible choices include a flat reference function r(θ):=1 or any prior distribution p(θ) for the parameter θ, that is: r(θ):=p(θ). In the first case, the surprise function becomes the posterior distribution p(θ|y), and in the second case parameter values θ with a surprise function s(θ)≥1 indicate that they have been corroborated by the data y, while parameter values θ with a surprise function s(θ)<1 indicate that they have become less probable a posteriori. s∗ is then defined as the supremum of the surprise function s(θ) over the null set ΘH0 which belongs to the hypothesis H0 : s∗:=sup The tangential set \overline{T}(\nu) to the hypothesis H_0 is defined as \overline{T}(\nu):=\Theta \setminus T(\nu) where \Theta \setminus T(\nu) is the set complement of \Theta and T(\nu), that is, the set which remains when removing all points in T(\nu) from \Theta. In the above, T(\nu):=\{\theta \in \Theta|s(\theta)\leq \nu \} T(s^{*}) includes all parameter values \theta which are smaller or equal to the supremum s^{*} of the surprise function under the null set, and \overline{T}(s^{*}) includes all parameter values \theta which are larger than the supremum s^{*} of the surprise function under the null set.
The last step towards the e-value is to define the cumulative surprise functions W(\nu) and \overline{W}(\nu): W(\nu):=\int_{T(\nu)}p(\theta|y)d\theta \overline{W}(\nu):=\int_{\overline{T}(\nu)}p(\theta|y)d\theta and setting \nu=s^{*}, W(s^{*}) is simply the integral of the posterior distribution p(\theta|y) over T(s^{*}), and W(s^{*}) the integral over \overline{T}(s^{*}). Note that \overline{W}(\nu):=1-W(\nu) due to the definition of T(\nu) and \overline{T}(\nu). The Bayesian e-value, which measures the evidence against the null hypothesis H_0, is then defined as \overline{\text{ev}}(H_0):=\overline{W}(s^*) Thus, the e-value \overline{\text{ev}}(H_0) is the integral \overline{W}(s^*) of the posterior distribution over the tangential set \overline{T}(s^{*}), that is, over those values \theta for which the surprise s(\theta)>s^{*}=\sup\limits_{\theta \in \Theta_{H_0}}s(\theta) holds. If the probability mass of these values, which is calculated by the integral \overline{W}(s^*), is large, this indicates substantial evidence against H_0 being a reasonable explanation of the observed data.
To run the FBST, a posterior distribution is required, which can be obtained as in any standard Bayesian workflow:
Based on the sample of posterior draws, the FBST can be performed as follows:
Now, we illustrate the FBST with two examples below. The first example is a Bayesian two-sample t-test with flat reference function, and the second example the same test with a user-defined reference function.
We use Student’s sleep data as illustration, which is available in the data frame sleep
sleep#> extra group ID
#> 1 0.7 1 1
#> 2 -1.6 1 2
#> 3 -0.2 1 3
#> 4 -1.2 1 4
#> 5 -0.1 1 5
#> 6 3.4 1 6
#> 7 3.7 1 7
#> 8 0.8 1 8
#> 9 0.0 1 9
#> 10 2.0 1 10
#> 11 1.9 2 1
#> 12 0.8 2 2
#> 13 1.1 2 3
#> 14 0.1 2 4
#> 15 -0.1 2 5
#> 16 4.4 2 6
#> 17 5.5 2 7
#> 18 1.6 2 8
#> 19 4.6 2 9
#> 20 3.4 2 10
We select both groups and perform a traditional Bayes factor two-sample t-test based on the model of Rouder et al. (2009):
= sleep[1:10,]$extra
grp1 = sleep[11:20,]$extra
grp2 ttestBF(x=grp1,y=grp2, rscale="medium")
#> Bayes factor analysis
#> --------------
#> [1] Alt., r=0.707 : 1.265925 ±0%
#> Against denominator:
#> Null, mu1-mu2 = 0
#> ---
#> Bayes factor type: BFindepSample, JZS
Based on a traditional Bayes factor test, there is not much evidence for the alternative: BF_{10}=1.27. Now, we obtain posterior MCMC samples and conduct the FBST based on a flat reference function r(\theta)=1. Note that the dimension of the null set is 1 (the variances in both groups are assumed to be equal but can have any particular value in Rouder’s model), and the whole parameter space has two free parameters, namely the effect size and the variance of the groups.
= as.numeric(ttestBF(x=grp1,y=grp2, rscale="medium", posterior = TRUE,
posteriorDraws iterations = 100000)[,4])
= fbst(posteriorDensityDraws = posteriorDraws, nullHypothesisValue = 0,
result dimensionTheta = 2, dimensionNullset = 1, dim = 1)
#> Full Bayesian Significance Test for testing a sharp hypothesis against its alternative:
#> Reference function: Flat
#> Hypothesis H_0:Parameter= 0 against its alternative H_1
#> Bayesian e-value against H_0: 0.8307837
#> Standardized e-value: 0.05943232
The e-value \overline{\text{ev}}(H_0) against H_0:\theta=0 is given as \overline{\text{ev}}(H_0)=0.83, so 83% of the posterior surprise function, which in this case (flat reference function) is the posterior density, attain a larger posterior density value than the posterior density value p(\theta_0|y) at \theta_0=0. This can be visualized as follows:
The blue point shows the resulting surprise function value at \theta_0=0. As the flat reference function r(\theta)=1 is used, s(\theta)=p(\theta|y), so the blue point is the posterior density value p(0|y). The blue area shows the associated probability mass with the parameter values \theta which attain a larger surprise than the surprise at \theta_0, that is, the tangential set to H_0. Thus, these values \theta fulfill s(\theta)>s(0) which is equivalent to p(\theta|y)>p(0|y) in this case. The red area shows the probability mass associated with values \theta that do not fulfill this condition. Based on the result there is evidence for the alternative, but there are about 16\% of the posterior which prevent a conclusive statement or clear rejection of H_0:\theta=0.
In the above, a flat reference function r(\theta)=1 was used in the surprise function s(\theta). However, the prior distribution on the parameter \theta was a medium Cauchy prior C(0,\sqrt{2}/2). As the prior beliefs are reflected via this prior, it is reasonable to choose the Cauchy prior as the reference function instead. Below, it is shown how to do this:
= fbst(posteriorDensityDraws = posteriorDraws, nullHypothesisValue = 0,
result2 dimensionTheta = 2, dimensionNullset = 1, FUN = dcauchy,
par=list(location = 0, scale = sqrt(2)/2))
#> Full Bayesian Significance Test for testing a sharp hypothesis against its alternative:
#> Reference function: User-defined
#> Hypothesis H_0:Parameter= 0 against its alternative H_1
#> Bayesian e-value against H_0: 0.9215442
#> Standardized e-value: 0.0240581
Now, the result changes. The e-value \overline{\text{ev}}(H_0)=0.92 now shows stronger evidence against H_0. While the two plots look very similar, note the different scaling at the y-axis.
The output above also reports the standardized e-values \text{sev}(H_0) as part of the analysis via the FBST. The standardized e-value is a modified version of the plain e-value \overline{\text{ev}}(H_0).
The standardized e-value is defined as: \overline{\text{sev}}(H_0)=F_{k-h}(F^{-1}_{k}(\overline{\text{ev}})) Here, F^{-1}_{k} is the quantile function of the cumulative distribution function of the \chi_{k}^2 distribution with k degrees of freedom. \overline{\text{sev}}(H_0) can be interpreted as the probability of obtaining less evidence than \overline{\text{ev}}(H_0) against the null hypothesis H_0. Defining \text{sev}(H_0)=1-\overline{\text{sev}}(H_0) \text{sev}(H_0) can then be interpreted as the probability of obtaining \overline{\text{ev}}(H_0) or more evidence against H_0, which is closely related to the interpretation of a frequentist p-value. If \text{sev}(H_0) is small, this implies that the probability of obtaining even more evidence than \overline{\text{ev}}(H_0) against the null hypothesis H_0 is small. As a consequence, one can reject H_0. However, the p-value operates in the sample space while the standardized e-value operates in the parameter space. The standardized e-value can be used as a Bayesian replacement of the frequentist p-value, while being very similar in interpretation.
result#> sev_H_0
#> 0.05943232
result2#> sev_H_0
#> 0.0240581
In the first example, we would thus not reject H_0:\theta=0 based on a threshold of \text{sev}(H_0)<0.05, while in the second example above we would. Note the identical trend in the Bayesian evidence against H_0:\theta=0 based on the non-standardized e-values \overline{\text{ev}}(H_0). For details on the theoretical properties of the standardized e-value, see Kelter (2020) and Pereira & Stern (2020).
In this vignette it was demonstrated how to perform the FBST for testing a precise hypothesis in the Bayesian paradigm. It was shown that the FBST can be applied to a wide range of statistical models as long as the posterior is obtainable via standard MCMC algorithms. Thus, the FBST presents a flexible approach to Bayesian hypothesis testing while being fully coherent with the likelihood principle and the associated benefits (e.g. the irrelevance of stopping rules, the irrelevance of censoring mechanisms).
When an interval hypothesis is more reasonable, the Full Bayesian Evidence Test (FBET) presents a generalization of the FBST and the underlying Pereira-Stern theory and is also available in the package.
Kelter, R. (2022). The Evidence Interval and the Bayesian Evidence Value - On a unified theory for Bayesian hypothesis testing and interval estimation. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology (2022).
Kelter, R. (2021). fbst: An R package for the Full Bayesian Significance Test for testing a sharp null hypothesis against its alternative via the e-value. Behav Res (2021).
Pereira, C. A. d. B., & Stern, J. M. (2020). The e-value: a fully Bayesian significance measure for precise statistical hypotheses and its research program. São Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 1–19.
Kelter, R. (2020). Analysis of Bayesian posterior significance and effect size indices for the two-sample t-test to support reproducible medical research. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 20(88).
Rouder, Jeffrey N., Paul L. Speckman, Dongchu Sun, Richard D. Morey, and Geoffrey Iverson. 2009. “Bayesian t tests for accepting and rejecting the null hypothesis.” Psychonomic Bulletin and Review 16 (2): 225–37.