In this vignette, we show how to set up and run MGDrivE2 simulations that utilize the SEI (Susceptible-Exposed-Infectious) mosquito model of epidemiological dynamics coupled to the Imperial human model of epidemiological dynamics. The SEI mosquito model uses an Erlang-distributed incubation (E) period to approximate general non-exponential dwell times in the E state. The Imperial model, originally described in 2010, provides a somewhat complex formulation of malaria transmission dynamics including more states than an SIS approach and population-level immunity. Here we will use an age-structured version, with a plan to expand to biting heterogeneity later on. In this formulation, the stochastic mosquito model is separated from the deterministic, human Imperial model. The two pass data between each other throughout the course of the simulation. See Griffin et al (2010) for a full formulation of the model.
We start by loading the MGDrivE2 package, as well as the MGDrivE package for access to inheritance cubes and ggplot2 for graphical analysis. We will use the basic cube to simulate Mendelian inheritance for this example.
# simulation functions
# inheritance patterns
# plotting
# basic inheritance pattern
<- MGDrivE::cubeMendelian() cube
Several parameters are necessary to setup the structural properties
of the Petri Net, as well as calculate the population distribution at
equilibrium, setup initial conditions, and calculate hazards. Again, we
specify all entomological parameters as for the mosquito-only simulation
(see “MGDrivE2: One Node Lifecycle
Dynamics”) as well as additional parameters for the Imperial
transmission dynamics. Like the aquatic stages, 1qEIP will give the
mean dwell time for incubating mosquitoes, and variance by 1nEIP⋅q2EIP. In addition to the entomological
parameters required by MGDrivE, the set of input parameters to the
Imperial model is shown below. The function
outputs the base set of
parameters, and each parameter can be individually modeled. See the
source code or appendix text of the provided paper to vary individual
parameters. Without any input, the default set of parameters is
returned. Then, the function
calculates the
equilibrium values of humans distributed across infection states and age
compartments, alongside FOIv, which is used to generate initial
conditions in the MGDrivE SPN.
The parameters required by
Parameter | Description |
age_vector |
A vector describing the age compartments from which to build the model |
ft |
The proportion of cases which receive treatment (0 <= ft <= 1) |
The desired annual entomological innoculation rate |
imperial_params |
Base parameters for Imperial model, output from
imperial_model_param_list_create function |
Each mu
parameter refers to the mortality rate in that
mosquito lifecycle stage. Additionally, we specify a total simulation
length of 250 days, with output stored daily. NH
, the total
number of humans in the simulation, must also be specified.
# generate default set of entomological and epidemiological parameters
<- imperial_model_param_list_create()
# age distribution of the population
age_vector c(0,
11 / 12,
<- 0.4 # percent of symptomatic cases that are treated ft
The Imperial disease transmission model sits “on
top” of the existing MGDrivE2 structure, using the
default aquatic and male “places”, but expanding adult female “places”
to follow an Erlang-distributed pathogen incubation period (called the
extrinsic incubation period, EIP). Information on how
to choose the proper EIP distribution can be found in
the help file for ?makeQ_SEI()
The transitions between states is also expanded, providing
transitions for females to progress in infection status and allowing
interaction between mosquito and human states through decoupled
sampling. All of these additions are handled internally by
. Since only the mosquito portion is
stochastic, the SPN will only include the mosquito states. Human states
will be handled by the sampling algorithm in the form of a deterministic
ODE, the human_Imperial_ODE
# Places and transitions
<- spn_P_epi_decoupled_node(params = theta, cube = cube)
SPN_P <- spn_T_epi_decoupled_node(spn_P = SPN_P, params = theta, cube = cube)
# Stoichiometry matrix
<- spn_S(spn_P = SPN_P, spn_T = SPN_T) S
Now that we have set up the structural properties of the Petri Net, we need to calculate the population distribution at equilibrium and define the initial conditions for the simulation.
The function equilibrium_SEI_decoupled_mosy()
the equilibrium distribution of female mosquitoes across
SEI stages, based on human populations and
force-of-infection, then calculates all other equilibria. We set the
logistic form for larval density-dependence in these examples by specify
log_dd = TRUE
. We also need to augment the cube with
genotype specific transmission efficiencies; this allows simulations of
gene drive systems that confer pathogen-refractory characteristics to
mosquitoes depending on genotype. The specific parameters we want to
attach to the cube are b0
and cT
, and cD
the mosquito to human and human to
mosquito transmission efficiencies. We assume that transmission from
human to mosquito is not impacted in modified mosquitoes, but mosquito
to human transmission is significantly reduced in modified mosquitoes.
represents the mosquito-to-human transmission
probability in absence of any immunity. cT
represents the
human-to-mosquito onward infectivity transmission from humans in the
state in the Imperial model (treated but still
infectious). Similarly cU
represents the onward infectivity
from humans in the U
state (untreated subpatent infection),
and cD
represents the onward infectivity from the
state (clinical disease). Each of these must be specified
per genotype to characterize reductions in transmission from humans to
mosquitoes by different genotypes. This updating of the inheritance cube
is handled in equilibrium_Imperial_decoupled
# Modify parameters with IRS and LLIN coverage
<- 0.2
IRS_cov <- 0.3
LLIN_cov <- add_interventions(theta, IRS_cov, LLIN_cov)
# calculate a target EIR from a given prevalence
<- 0.7
prevalence <- convert_prevalence_to_eir(prevalence, age_vector, ft, theta)
# calculate human and mosquito equilibrium
# this function updates theta and the cube and returns initial conditions
<- equilibrium_Imperial_decoupled(age_vector, ft, eir, theta, cube, SPN_P)
# extract updated theta and full set of initial conditions
<- eqm$theta
theta <- eqm$cube
cube <- eqm$initialCons initialCons
With the equilibrium conditions calculated (see
), and the list of possible
transitions provided by spn_T_epiSIS_node()
, we can now
calculate the rates of those transitions between states.
# approximate hazards for continuous approximation
<- spn_hazards_decoupled(spn_P = SPN_P, spn_T = SPN_T, cube = cube,
approx_hazards params = theta, type = "Imperial",
log_dd = TRUE, exact = FALSE, tol = 1e-8,
verbose = FALSE)
#> --- continue ---
To first demonstrate that the system is indeed at equilibrium, we show the deterministic solution using decoupled ODE sampling without events.
<- 1
dt <- sim_trajectory_R_decoupled(
ode_out x0 = initialCons$M0,
h0 = initialCons$H,
theta = theta,
tmax = 100,
inf_labels = SPN_T$inf_labels,
dt = dt,
S = S,
hazards = approx_hazards,
sampler = "ode-decoupled",
events = NULL,
verbose = FALSE,
human_ode = "Imperial",
cube = cube
# summarize females/humans by genotype
<- summarize_females_epi(out = ode_out$state, spn_P = SPN_P)
ode_female <- summarize_humans_epiImperial(out = ode_out$state, index=1)
# plot
ggplot(data = ode_female) +
geom_line(aes(x = time, y = value, color = inf)) +
facet_wrap(~ genotype, scales = "free_y") +
theme_bw() +
ggtitle("SPN: ODE Decoupled Approximation - Mosquito")
ggplot(data = ode_humans) +
geom_line(aes(x = time, y = value, color = inf)) +
facet_wrap(~ genotype, scales = "free_y") +
theme_bw() +
ggtitle("SPN: ODE Decoupled Approximation - Human")
### Stochastic: Tau Leaping Solutions {#soln_tau}
As a further example, we run a single stochastic realization of the
same simulation, using the tau
sampler with Δt=1, approximating 10 jumps per
day. As the adult male mosquitoes do not contribute to infection
dynamics, we will only view the adult female mosquito and human dynamics
here. We do not show events in this simulation, as genotype-specific
dynamics have not yet been implemented.
# delta t - one day
<- 0.1
dt_stoch <- 1
dt # run ode-decoupled simulation
<- sim_trajectory_R_decoupled(
tau_out x0 = initialCons$M0,
h0 = initialCons$H,
theta = theta,
tmax = 100,
inf_labels = SPN_T$inf_labels,
dt = dt,
dt_stoch = dt_stoch,
S = S,
hazards = approx_hazards,
sampler = "tau-decoupled",
events = NULL,
verbose = FALSE,
human_ode = "Imperial",
cube = cube,
maxhaz = 1e12
# summarize females/humans by genotype
<- summarize_females_epi(out = tau_out$state, spn_P = SPN_P)
tau_female <- summarize_humans_epiImperial(out = tau_out$state, index=1)
# plot
ggplot(data = tau_female) +
geom_line(aes(x = time, y = value, color = inf)) +
facet_wrap(~ genotype, scales = "free_y") +
theme_bw() +
ggtitle("SPN: Tau-leaping Decoupled Approximation - Mosquito")
ggplot(data = tau_humans) +
geom_line(aes(x = time, y = value, color = inf)) +
facet_wrap(~ genotype, scales = "free_y") +
theme_bw() +
ggtitle("SPN: Tau-leaping Decoupled Approximation - Human")
In the stochastic simulation, we see that both values drift around
equilibrium. Varying delta_t
can provide a visual
understanding of how the underlying stochastic dynamics converge to the
ODE solution as delta_t -> 0
Finally, we show a stochastic simulation with events.
Similar to previous simulations, we will release 50 adult females
with homozygous recessive alleles 5 times, every 10 days, but starting
at day 20. Remember, it is critically important that the event
names match a place name in the simulation. The simulation
function checks this and will throw an error if the event name does not
exist as a place in the simulation. This format is used in
MGDrivE2 for consistency with solvers in
. To see the effect on transmission of
genotype-specific releases, vary the c
and b0
parameters in the inheritance cube (see line 187 of this vignette).
<- seq(from = 20, length.out = 5, by = 10)
r_times <- 50
r_size <- data.frame("var" = paste0("F_", cube$releaseType, "_", cube$wildType, "_S"),
events "time" = r_times,
"value" = r_size,
"method" = "add",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
<- sim_trajectory_R_decoupled(
tau_out x0 = initialCons$M0,
h0 = initialCons$H,
theta = theta,
tmax = 100,
inf_labels = SPN_T$inf_labels,
dt = dt,
dt_stoch = dt_stoch,
S = S,
hazards = approx_hazards,
sampler = "tau-decoupled",
events = events,
verbose = FALSE,
human_ode = "Imperial",
cube = cube,
maxhaz = 1e12
# summarize females/humans by genotype
<- summarize_females_epi(out = tau_out$state, spn_P = SPN_P)
tau_female <- summarize_humans_epiImperial(out = tau_out$state, index=1)
# plot
ggplot(data = tau_female) +
geom_line(aes(x = time, y = value, color = inf)) +
facet_wrap(~ genotype, scales = "free_y") +
theme_bw() +
ggtitle("SPN: Tau-leaping Decoupled Approximation - Mosquito")
ggplot(data = tau_humans) +
geom_line(aes(x = time, y = value, color = inf)) +
facet_wrap(~ genotype, scales = "free_y") +
theme_bw() +
ggtitle("SPN: Tau-leaping Decoupled Approximation - Human")