Main parameters
The border
The border is a polygon used to limit the processed area. Only data points within the border are processed.
the Convex Hull polygon of the input dataset
will be used (computed with st_convex_hull
function of the sf R
An object of class SpatialPolygons can be used as border:
The neighborhood
The neighborhood relation can be filtered by a minimal common edge length.
all contiguous Voronoi polygons are considered
as neighbors:
The user can define the minimum edge length (in the same unit as the input dataset coordinate system) shared by two Voronoi polygons for being considered as neighbors:
Show the neighborhood relations
The red lines shows the pairs of Voronoi polygons that are no longer considered as neighbors.
nm <- zoning$neighborhood_map()
par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
plot(subset(nm, filtered == FALSE), add = TRUE, col = "green")
plot(subset(nm, filtered == TRUE), add = TRUE, col = "red")
Attribute distance
This distance function is used for a given attribute. It computes the
distance between two data points in the monodimensional attribute space.
As many distance functions as there are attributes in the zonable
dataset are needed (in a list if multiple attributes).
univariate distances are available: EuclideanDistance
default) or FuzzyDistance
if the
attribute should not be used in the zoning process.
The fuzzy distance function is based on a fuzzy partition that allows
for integrating expert knowledge into distance calculations (Guillaume, Charnomordic, and Loisel 2013; Guillaume
and Charnomordic 2013). The partition must be a standardized
fuzzy partition based on a FisIn
object of the FisPro R
The following command-line sets the fuzzy distance based on 3
Mfs-partition defined by the following breakpoints: 20, 30, 100. The
range of the conduct
attribute is [12, 116]:
The default value, used in this example, is the euclidean distance:
Zone distance aggregation
To compute the distance between two zones, all the data points included in the two zones are considered and the aggregation is done using the aggreg parameter:
\[ d(z_i,z_j) = (Aggreg) d(x,y), \forall x
\in z_i, y \in z_j\] Three aggreg operators are available:
, MaximumDistance
(the default)
or MeanDistance
The two zones to be merged at a given
iteration are the ones for which the zone distance is minimum.
Combine distance
The combination function distance is needed when the zoning is done
according to several attributes. In this case, each univariate or
elementary distance is computed and normalized in a unit interval. These
partial distances are then aggregated to yield the distance between two
data points in the multidimensional attribute space. The distance
combination is done before computing the between-zones distance.
combinations are proposed: EuclideanDistance
(the default)
or MinkowskiDistance
Smallest zone
This criterion is used to determine the smallest size for a zone
(number of points or area) to be kept in the final map. The zones with a
size less than the threshold are included in the most compatible
neighboring zone.
The two available parameters are:
or ZoneArea
The default value is
with 1 point.