MEII: Interactive system to promote the musical construction by expressions with 4 to 8 years old kids


  • Juan Carlos Pérez Diseño de medios interactivos, Universidad Icesi
  • Julio Alejandro Jaramillo Dueñas Diseño de medios interactivos, Universidad Icesi



Interaction, Kinect, kids, NIME, musical expression.


MEII is an interactive system designed for musicalcomposition by corporal expression. It uses corporalgestures as metaphors to control a basic musicalstructure system as pentatonic scales (McFerrin,2009) and pitch transformation (Kinoki, s.f). Thesystem was conceived as a tool to promote themusical expression of children in the range of 4 to 8years without the necessity of musical instrumentsor some kind of previous musical knowledge. Forits development, close attention has been paid tochildren’s motor limitations at this age, as well asto the importance of experimentation. The systemhas been developed using diverse techniques ofvisualization by computer, digital audio analysis andsynthesis. Although it’s been proved with successwith kids in that age range, in this moment it’s in anevaluation phase.

Author Biographies

  • Juan Carlos Pérez, Diseño de medios interactivos, Universidad Icesi
    Bio Statement is available in Spanish
  • Julio Alejandro Jaramillo Dueñas, Diseño de medios interactivos, Universidad Icesi
    Bio Statement is available in Spanish


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Original Research