
DRISO is the sub-team of the i2t research group at Icesi University in charge of Software Architecture and Software Engineering research.

Our current research interests include the following areas:

  • Software Engineering for Digital Twins and Self-Adaptive Software Systems (DTs & SEfSAS)
  • Applications, Techniques and Architectures for Data Science and Industry 4.0 (DS & I4.0)

Our primary objective is to develop applied-research projects whose results can be leveraged by any organization to improve its production processes through software technologies. Examples of these results include software applications, reference models and architectures, but also design guidelines for developing software systems more effectively in the aforementioned areas of interest.

We develop and maintain our software projects and products in our FusionForge.

DRISO Coordinates

Team Leader: Gabriel Tamura, PhD
email: gtamura at icesi.edu.co
Tel: +57-2-5552334 ext. 8264

Department of Information and Communication Technologies
Faculty of Engineering
Icesi University
Calle 18 # 122-135 Pance
Cali, Colombia